Table Layout 

Do NOT email Dennis Smith For Table Reservations or Questions About Tables!
Follow the Instructions Below!!!

Table Reservations Are Now Open! A LOT of prior Tableholders
Did Not Sign Up For The 2026 Show. Look Over The Table Layout
And If You Want a Table, Let Nick Know As Soon As Possible!
You Can Pay For Your Tables At The Bottom of This Page!

To confirm your table(s) reservation requires immediate payment through PayPal. This is the ONLY method of payment accepted! We no longer accept checks or money orders! The hosts will not hold table(s) pending a payment.

For questions, please click Here for our Frequently Asked Questions page.


For Table Reservations, email
Do NOT email Dennis Smith For Table Reservations or Questions About Tables!

The Porky Show has moved table reservations into the 21st century!  To reserve a table, follow these simple steps:

1) Refer to the above layout of Taylor Hall.

2) Select the table(s) you want. If a table is available, no ones name will be listed under the table number.  If there's a name listed, that table is not available.

3) Send an email to Nick, at  Provide your name, return email address and the table(s) desired. DO NOT PAY YET!

4) You'll receive a return email informing you if the table(s) are still available.  If it is, I'll put your name on the table(s) in RED.  Once payment is received, the lettering will be changed to BLACK.  This should make it simple for everyone to know when payment has been received.

5)  Pay for your table(s)  Checks are no longer accepted.  NO exceptions! Payment is ONLY accepted on-line by PayPal!  A PayPal account is NOT required. You can pay using any major credit card.

6) Pay using the provided link by PayPal below. This option allows you to pay using PayPal or any major credit card. PayPal is safe and secure, and we do not receive any of your personal information.

All proceeds from the show are used to benefit the Claremont Police Explorers.  The hosts volunteer their time and receive no payment to plan and organize the show.  As such, we want the Explorers to make as much as possible.

Select Number of Tables

 We realize that we can't please all of the people all of the time.

If you wish to file a formal complaint for investigation by our crack staff, please email them at


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Last Updated